This page is all about the problem-solving question-answer page, that’s why we called it the how-to page. On this page, we focus on our every day’s tools-related problems and their answers.

How often do you oil a chainsaw chain? – know the symptoms!
A gas chainsaw and an electric chainsaw both need to oil their bar and chain to lubricate it while cutting so that it does not get dry and heat up and eventually dry. Also, they use the same bar and chain oil. On a gas chainsaw and an electric chainsaw,…

What kind of oils can I use for chainsaw gas, electric, and bars?- know everything!
Oil is important to keep your chainsaw engine parts lubricated to keep the engine working properly. If you do not use oil, then your chainsaw can cause friction and overheat, which can damage your chainsaw slowly. A chainsaw uses chainsaw bar oil to lubricate the whole system, and as well…

How to string a walk behind trimmer – 3 easy steps and more tips!
Walk behind trimmer has a one-piece steel deck and multiple-height plastic deck; on both, the changing process of the string line is the same. To install the string line, first cut two 23-inch lines, then take the cutter line head and put the string head on the two sides of…

How to Cut Porcelain Tile Without a Wet Saw – know the alternatives.
Porcelain tiles are harder and brittle easily; for that reason, wet saws proper water supply on the tile; you can cut it smoothly and cleanly without rough, jagged edges and without chipping off. But suppose when one doesn’t have access to a wet saw or in the absence of this…

How long does Tile saw blade last? – know about all.
A tile saw blade is a primary element of a tile saw for making accurate and precise cuts on different materials. Depending on the blade type, quality, speed, and the material being cut with that blade, a tile saw blade can last 12 to 120 hours of cutting life. Within…

Can You Use a Hand Planer for Wide Boards? – Pors, Cons & More!
A hand planer can be a beneficial tool when you have a wide board that won’t fit on your power benchtop thickness planer; though it trims slower than the bigger one and takes more time, you can easily use portable hand planers on wide boards. A hand planer is a…
How Long Do Chainsaw Chains Last?
Normally, a chainsaw chain lasts 5-6 years, but other factors determine the lasting period. A chainsaw is a power tool that reduces your labor and time. Everyone widely used it to cut trees, produce firewood, cut branches, and sometimes cut thin bars of rod. Like all machines, chainsaws also have…

How Hot Does A Shed Get In The Summer?
The temperature inside a shed can vary significantly depending on different factors, including the location and climate, the materials used to construct the shed, and the ventilation and insulation of the shed. In general, sheds can get very hot in the summer if they are not properly ventilated or insulated….

How to use an electric planer on a tabletop – 3 Easy Steps and Tips
An electric planer is a small but very functional machine to clean or shave woods. Using an electric planer on a tabletop to cut wood won’t be tough work for a beginner woodworker or common people; if one does the right processor follows the right steps, it gets easy to…

How to Cut Bricks with Angle Grinder | Following 5 Simple Steps
An Angle Grinder is a powerful tool that is used by holding in hands for grinding purposes. People otherwise called this a side grinder and a disc grinder, which is basically used for polishing and cutting bricks. Angle grinders are handy for cutting, removing extra material from any surface. It…
How to Bend PVC Pipe with Heat Gun? [4 Easy Steps]
PVC pipes are rigid and impact resistible. PVC pipes are also inflexible in their design, so it is tough to bend them. But you can bend PVC pipes if you use a heat gun. PVC pipes are extremely valuable for DIY projects like making a custom stockpiling unit or grass…

How To Cut Glass Mosaic Tile With A Wet Saw Easily – Follow 8 Simple Steps
You need to cut mosaic tiles because you value aesthetics around you; I get it. OK, let us get into for what you have come here in the first place. You can learn about other ways of cutting mosaic tiles on some other day. But if you plan to cut…

How to cut straight with a reciprocating saw easily? Find out!
For cutting a straight line, I always prefer to go with a reciprocating saw. It is easy to use and gives you a perfect holding position in most of the situation. You can use it on those conditions where others saw can’t perform. Using a reciprocating saw is not that…

How tight should a chainsaw chain be? The Complete Guide!
Almost everybody knows what a chainsaw is. A chainsaw is a cutting tool used for various purposes of heavy-duty cutting jobs, especially for wood cutting. There is an automatic and manual saw. Manual one runs with the motion of hands, but the automatic saw runs through a motor. The motor’s…

How to cut rocks with a tile saw? Step By Step Guide
Using a tile saw is not much difficult, but cutting rocks using a tile saw can be difficult if you won’t use it properly. So now the question is how to cut rocks with a tile saw in an easy way. The answer is that if you know the basic…

How to cut porcelain and ceramic tile without chipping? Use 6 simple methods
You can use many methods, but if you’re using a wet saw or angle grinder with the diamond-tipped blade, the simple way to cut porcelain and ceramic tile without chipping is to work with a sharp blade with a slow approach. Another strong alternative is to use the tile cutter,…