10 Things You Can Cut With A Tile Saw – Glass, Granite, Brick, Metal, Rocks, Pavers, And More
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Tile saws are mainly made for cutting tile. But there are several things you can cut. Some of them are:
Glass, Granite, Tile, Marble, Brick, Wood, Metal, Rocks, Pavers, Mirrors
Cutting different materials needs different techniques, blades, precaution, and other things. I will try to explain to you all about 10 things you can cut with a tile saw.

You can cut glass with a tile saw, but first, you need 2 things. They are diamond blade, and lots of water supply. You can use the blades that come for glasses if you cut a lot of glass. But diamond blades will be fine to cut 10-15 glasses.
Water is very much important here. If you have a reservoir, it is not enough. You must give water from an outside source. Otherwise, the glass could break or chip as it is a very fragile material.
The best glasses to cut with a tile saw would be glass bottles or similar thick glass. Sheet glasses, especially thin ones, would be too much weak to cut with a tile saw.

Cutting granite with a tile saw is not that much hard as glass. But working with caution would be recommended. For cutting granite, it is best to have a diamond blade. But a normal blade will also do the work to some extent.
As before, you will need a wet saw. Water is a must-have element in this cutting. As with cutting glass, you don’t need to have that much water. An only a small amount of water with a consistent flow will do the job fine.
If you are not getting a smooth edge or some part is chipping off, try to increase the flow of water, clean your blade and check for any warping; change your blade.

I’m pretty sure that all of you know how to cut tile. Tile saws are specially made for this purpose. But let me remind you once more.
There are many blades on the market. You can choose whatever you like the most. I personally like diamond blades. Set up your machine and attach your blade.
You can cut your tile dry but cutting wet is recommended. Sometimes dry cutting breaks the tile, or some part of it chips away. Also, dry cutting sprays dust that visibility becomes hard. So cutting with a wet saw will be preferable.
Always mark your tile and place it on the sliding tray. Now start the machine and gently push the tile into the rotating blade. It will cut smoothly like butter. Use earplugs and goggles for safety.

Marble is a Calcite rock that forms after many years of heat and temperature. These rocks are very suitable and stylish for tabletop, floor, sanitary, and showpiece. So, there will be situations when you need to cut marble.
You can definitely cut marble with a tile saw, but a must is a diamond blade and frequent running water. Calcite rocks are extremely fragile, and there will be small pores. So rushing to cut or not working cautiously may break your marble tile or other marble utensils.
Try to increase the water flow rate when cutting, and do not hurry. Try to go extremely slow and clean your blade more often. Marble is an expensive material, and breaking will be a great loss for you.

Cutting brick with a tile saw is a bit different than others because of its thickness. If you are using a tabletop tile, saw, then the saw height must be at least half of the thickness of the bricks. Otherwise, the brick wouldn’t cut.
You have to cut the brick twice. Cutting it from one side at first, then from the other side. This makes it really hard to cut smooth and straight. But your steady hands and patients are the key.
Cutting brick doesn’t require a wet saw. You can cut with a dry saw with a diamond blade. But cutting with a wet saw certainly has some benefits. There will be less dust and less friction using a wet saw.
If you are excited to know more about cutting bricks with a tile saw, then I have a full article on “cut brick with a tile saw.”

Generally speaking, wood cutting may be the easiest on this list. Everybody has cut wood at least once in their life. Cutting wood with a circular saw is effortless.
Woodcutting does not need a supply of water. Rather water may harm the wood. You can cut your desired wood running the saw dry.
There is no specific blade for wood. Any blade would do the job perfectly. Simply put on gloves and goggles for safety and begin cutting. Make sure to mark the wood before cutting for efficiency.

You can cut a metal piece with a tile saw, but it will be inefficient. A tile saw is not the best thing for cutting metal. An angle grinder will be better than a tile saw for this purpose.
First thing, you can’t cut metal with a diamond blade. I tried one time, and it barely scratched the metal. It generates a lot of heat than cutting. Holding the piece becomes very challenging. So, you need to change the blade first.
Second thing, most of the metal cutting blades do not suit water. So you don’t need to use water for cutting metal. You can run the saw dry.
Lastly, there will be sparks, and the metal piece will be very hot. Safety precautions needed some extra dose here.

You can definitely cut rocks with a tile saw, and it is quite good at it. Every gem cutter and rock cutter uses a modified type of tile saw.
To acquire the required piece from the rock, a tile saw will be a great tool for cutting rocks. But remember that it can only cut the rocks below the hardness level of 7 efficiently.
You need a diamond blade and fluent water supply for this purpose. As rocks are fragile, try to go slow. Stones can be slippery also. So work very cautiously.
If you are curious to know more about cutting rocks with a tile saw, then I have a full article on “how to cut rocks with a tile saw.”

It is possible to cut pavers with a tile saw. You just need to change the blade. Pavers are often made from concrete. So you need some heavy-duty blades for this job.
There are many qualities of a diamond blade in the market. You need the best quality for this job, or the blade will wear off and will not make a clean cut.
Water flow is not so important here. A little bit of water flow will be enough for cutting. Make sure to mark the paper first to avoid mistakes.
Cutting a mirror with a tile saw is very likely as cutting glass. But mirrors may be very fragile.
You will need a very good quality diamond blade with lots of water. Patients will be the key here. Don’t rush the mirror into the blade. Let the blade cut first and slowly push your blade towards the blade.
Remember to use safety goggles and gloves for this work.
A tile saw is a versatile tool that can give you much comfort and save your money, space, and time. Buying one tile saw is definitely worth it. I personally like a tile saw very much.
Every power tool can do damage on a large scale if it is not operated cautiously. Every time you work with a tile saw, always wear your protective gear and take precautions. I hope this article was helpful to you. Thank you.